By Will Sheffield
Central Votes Communications Director
As most of those reading this saw, on Tuesday, May 19th the Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, announced that all 7.7 million registered voters in Michigan will be mailed absentee ballot applications for August 4th and November 3rd elections this year. Benson stated the reason for this decision was, ““By mailing applications, we have ensured that no Michigander has to choose between their health and their right to vote”. With the spread of COVID-19, people have adopted social distancing to stay safe and to protect others from themselves. Social distancing is promoted to slow the spread of COVID-19 to avoid an overcrowding of medical facilities and the overworking of medical professionals.
As the communications director of Central Votes there is nothing I want more than everyone to vote and execute their power to have a say in how they want to be governed. I am not going to list every elected seat up for election in Michigan because there are a lot of offices and proposals to vote on this August and November. I believe if everyone voted and was actively engaged in the public sector, we could see government that is compromised to work best for all constituents. Obviously, this is just my personal opinion on why I value voting and it is objectively argued that a future of all voters being civically engaged is a not happening for years.
I believe that voting by mail is a step in the right direction. The secretary of state’s plan sends all voters the application. I think it is great that all registered voters will receive the absentee application because it relieves the voter of accessing a public space, such as a library that are currently not open, to print their application. The other reason why this is great is that it makes voting by mail optional. If someone wanted to vote in person, they can choose not to submit the application and still vote in person. Another pro of voting by mail, is that people who choose to vote by mail and receive their absentee ballot who may have a past history of not researching their ballot will have extra time with their ballot to research all of the elections on their ballot before filling it out.
I understand why people do not want to vote in person, people do not want to get sick but people also do not want to go to their polling place if they are sick and get others sick just to cast their votes. Voting by mail guarantees voters their right to vote for they could still vote if they happen to be sick on election day. Overall, this grants everyone more accessibility to vote in the August and November elections.
By Will Sheffield
Central Votes Communications Director